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Recent publications
- Jin S, Yoon N, Liu ZW, Horvath TL, Kim J, Diano S. (2021) DRP1 is required for AgRP neuronal activity and feeding. eLife 2021 accepted.
- Bruschetta G, Jin S, Liu ZW, Kim JD, Diano S. (2020) MC4R Signaling in Dorsal Raphe Nucleus Controls Feeding, Anxiety, and Depression. Cell Report 33(2):108267. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108267.PMID: 33053350.
- Kim JD, Yoon NA, Jin S, Diano S (2019) Microglial UCP2 mediates inflammation and obesity induced by high fat feeding. Cell Metabolism 30:952-962. E5. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet2019.08.010. PMID: 31495690
- Bruschetta G, Kim JD, Diano S*, Chan L (2018) Overexpression of Melanocortin 2 Receptor Accessory Protein 2 (MRAP2) in adult paraventricular MC4R neurons regulates energy intake and expenditure. Mol Met 18:79-87.doi:10.1016/j.molmet.2018.09.010. PMID:30352741 *co-corresponding author.
- Bruschetta G, Jin S, Kim JD, Diano S (2018) Prolyl carboxypeptidase in Agouti-related Peptide neurons modulates food intake and body weight. Mol Met 10:28-38. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2018.02.003. PMID: 29459251
- Kim JD, Toda C, Ramirez CM, Fernandez-Hernando C, Diano S (2017) Hypothalamic ventromedial Lin28a enhances glucose metabolism in diet-induced obesity. Diabetes, 66 (8):2102-2111. doi: 10.2337/db16-1558. PMID:28550108
- Santoro A, Campolo M, Liu C, Sesaki H, Meli R, Liu ZW, Kim JD, Diano S (2017) DRP1 suppresses leptin and glucose sensing of POMC neurons. Cell Metabolism, 25(3):647-660. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2017.01.003. PMID: 28190775
- Toda C, Kim JD, Impellizzeri D, Cuzzocrea S, Liu ZW, Diano S (2016) UCP2 regulates mitochondrial fission and ventromedial nucleus control of glucose responsiveness. Cell 164(5):872-83. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.02.010. PMID: 26919426
- Koch M, Varela L, Kim JG, Kim JD, Hernandez F, Simonds SE, Castorena CM, Vianna CR, Elmquist JK, Morozov YM, Rakic P, Bechmann I, Cowley MA, Szigeti-Buck K, Dietrich MO, Gao X-B, Diano S, Horvath TL (2015) Hypothalamic POMC neurons promote cannabinoid-induced feeding. Nature 519(7541):45-50. doi: 10.1038/nature14260.
- Long L, Toda C, Jeong JK, Horvath TL, Diano S (2014) PPARg-deficient POMC neurons preserve weight control on obesogenic diet. J Clin Invest 124(9):4017-27. doi: 10.1172/JCI76220. PMID: 25083994
- Kim JD, Toda C, D'Agostino G, Zeiss CJ, DiLeone RJ, Elsworth JD, Kibbey RG, Chan O, Harvey BK, Richie CT, Savolainen M, Myöhännen T, Jeong JK, Diano S. (2014) Hypothalamic prolyl endopeptidase (PREP) regulates pancreatic insulin and glucagon secretion in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(32):11876-81. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1406000111. PMID: 25071172
- Jeong JK, Kim JD, Diano S. (2013) Ghrelin regulates hypothalamic Prolyl carboxypeptidase expression in mice. Molecular Metabolism 2(1):23-30.
- D’Agostino G, Kim JD, Liu ZW, Jeong JK, Suyama S, Calignano A, Gao XB, Schwartz M, Diano S (2013) Prolyl endopeptidase-deficient mice have reduced synaptic spine density in the CA1 region of the hippocampus and impaired LTP and spatial learning and memory. Cerebral Cortex (8):2007-2014.
- Diano S, Liu ZW, Jeong JK, Dietrich MO, Ruan HB, Kim E, Suyama S, Kelly K, Gyengesi E, Arbiser JL, Belsham DD, Sarruf DA, Schwartz MW, Bennett A, Shanabrough M, Mobbs CV, Yang X, Gao XB, Horvath TL (2011) Peroxisome proliferation-related hypothalamic control of ROS sets melanocortin tone and feeding in diet-induced obesity. Nature Medicine 2011 17(9):1121-7.
- Wallingford N, Perroud B, Gao Q, Coppola A, Gyengesi E, Liu ZW, Gao XB, Diament A, Haus KA, Shariat-Madar Z, Mahdi F, Wardlaw SL, Schmaier AH, Warden CH, Diano S. (2009) Prolylcarboxypeptidase regulates food intake by inactivating alpha-MSH in rodents. J Clin Invest. 119(8):2291-303.
- Andrews ZB, Liu ZW, Wallingford N, Erion DM, Borok E, Friedman JM, Tschoep MH, Shanabrough M, Cline GM, Shulman GI, Coppola A, Gao XB, Horvath TL, Diano S (2008) UCP2 mediates ghrelin’s action on NPY/AgRP neurons. Nature 454(7206):846-51.
- Coppola A, Liu ZW, Andrews ZB, Paradis E, Roy MC, Friedman JM, Ricquier D, Richard D, Horvath TL, Gao XB, Diano S. (2007) A central thermogenic-like mechanism in feeding regulation: an interplay between arcuate nucleus T3 and UCP2. Cell Metabolism 5:21-33.
- Gao Q, Mezei G, Nie Y, Rao Y, Choi CS, Bechmann I, Leranth C, Toran-Allerand D, Priest CA, Roberts JL, Gao XB, Mobbs C, Shulman GI, Diano S, Horvath TL. (2007) Anorectic estrogen mimics leptin's effect on the rewiring of melanocortin cells and Stat3 signaling in obese animals. Nature Medicine. 13(1):89-94.
- Diano S, Farr SA, Benoit SC, Mcnay EC, da Silva I, Horvath B, Gaskin FS, Nonaka N, Jaeger LB, Xu L, Banks WA, Morley JE, Pinto S, Sherwin RS, Yamada KA, Sleeman MW, Tschöp MH, Horvath TL. (2006) Ghrelin controls hippocampal spine synapse density and memory performance. Nature Neuroscience 9(3):381-8.
Editorial, reviews, chapters, books
- Yoon N, Diano S (2021) Hypothalamic glucose sensing mechanisms. Diabetologia DOI: 10.1007/s00125-021-05395-6 PMID: 33544170
- Quarta C, Claret M, Zeltser LM, Williams KW, Yeo GSH, Tschoep MH, Diano S, Bruening JC, Cota D. (2021) POMC neuronal heterogeneity in energy balance and beyond: an integrated view. Nat Metab. 2021 Feb 25. doi: 10.1038/s42255-021-00345-3.
- Kim JD, Diano S (2020) A sympathetic treatment for obesity. Cell Metabolism 31(6):1043-1045. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.05.009.PMID: 32492388
- Bruschetta G, Diano S (2019) Brain-to-pancreas signaling axis links nicotine and diabetes. Nature 574;336-337. Doi: 10.1038/d41586-019-02975-w. PMID: 31619783
- Jin S, Diano S (2018) Mitochondrial dynamics and hypothalamic regulation of metabolism. Endocrinology. 2018 Oct 1;159(10):3596-3604. doi: 10.1210/en.2018-00667.
- Diano S (2018) A new brain circuit in feeding control. Science 361:29-30. doi:10.1126/science.aau1419.
- Toda C, Santoro A, Kim JD, Diano S (2017) POMC neurons: from birth to death. Annual Review of Physiology 79:209-236. 79:209-236. doi: 10.1146/annurev-physiol-022516-034110.PMID: 28192062
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