PhD in Nutritional and Metabolic Biology

The Nutritional and Metabolic Biology (NMB) PhD training program prepares students to work at the frontiers of biomedical research in nutritional and metabolic sciences, exploring the role of nutrition in maintaining optimal human health. The objective of the training program is to prepare individuals who will conduct original basic science research, teach in medical schools and universities, and hold positions of leadership in community and international nutrition.
Housed within the Institute of Human Nutrition (IHN) at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), this inter-disciplinary and multi-departmental training program is highly structured and comprises both coursework and basic research. The NMB program is one of the few pre-doctoral training programs in nutrition in the United States that is located within a medical school and is unique among the other PhD programs at CUMC with an equal number of MDs and PhDs as faculty mentors (including ten MD/PhDs). The location of the NMB training program in a medical school offers trainees a wide array of research opportunities in laboratories headed by established senior scientists as well as NIH-funded younger independent investigators, all focused on the role of nutrition and metabolism in health and disease.
For information on NMB faculty, please visit the Faculty page on the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) site.